Take part in one of the many educational events we have to offer
Tuesday Nights, Maimonides Program
Maimonides Level 1

A win- win situation where you have the opportunity to learn more about your heritage, become a Jewish leader, and earn $300!!! As well, there will be a Shabbaton at some point during the 10 weeks. (Date to be announced)
The program runs for Ten weeks.
Tuesday nights from 8:00pm to 9:30pm @ Adat Yeshurun
8:00-8:45 Guest Speaker
8:45-9:30 Small group Learning
As well, there will be a Shabbaton at some point during the 10 weeks. (Date to be announced)
Topics include:
What is leadership anyway?
Human happiness and pleasure
Love and marriage and relationships
Shabbat and holidays
Women and Social Activism
Is there a God and what difference does it make?
The Arab Israeli conflict
Understanding the problems facing the Jewish people today
Wonders of Jewish History
Why do good things happen to bad people?
Opportunities to make a difference on campus and beyond
Ethical Decisions in Medicine
Torah & Science
Free Will, Afterlife, and Reincarnation
Maimonides Level 2
It’s time to “Level Up!”
Earn a Voucher worth $1,500 towards going to Israel!!! Plus a Voucher worth $350 for a trip within the States.
For those of you who enjoyed Maimonides, we’re offering a Maimonides level 2 Program. 10 Weeks, same place, same set up, deeper discussion!!!
Tuesday Nights from 8:00pm to 9:30pm @ Adat Yeshurun
8:00pm-8:45pm Guest Speaker
8:45pm-9:30pm Professor Todd Salovey
*NEW* Hebrew Speaking Crash Course
Thinking about going to Israel this summer?
Come join us for this special Two Quarter Hebrew Speaking course.
If you have already participated in Maimonides Level 2, then you have earned an Israel trip voucher!
Go to Israel this summer with the confidence of knowing how to speak a large variety of key hebrew phrases to help you get around town.
FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE NOT DONE MAIMONIDES LEVEL 2 YET, do it this quarter, and hop onto the Hebrew Speaking train in the spring!
Tuesday nights from 8:15pm to 9:30pm @ Adat Yeshurun
One on One Learning with Rabbi E
Sit down once a week for a half-hour with Rabbi Ertel:
Delve into Jewish Philosophy
Discover the meaning of Shabbat and the Holidays
Learn about Jewish History
Learn how to read Hebrew
Or just ask the Questions that you’ve always wanted answers to!
Monday-Thurs 10am-3pm
Perks Coffee Shop at the Price Center Book Store
Reserve a Weekly Meeting

Hebrew Reading Crash Course Level 1

Always wanted to learn how to read Hebrew? Well now is your chance!
Join us for a quarter, once a week, on Tuesday nights.
Participants in the Hebrew Reading Crash Course will learn to read Hebrew in 10, 1 and 1/2 hour weekly sessions. Designed for those with little or no background in Hebrew, it concentrates on teaching the Hebrew alphabet and reading skills. We will be using the curriculum of the National Jewish Outreach Program (NJOP) renowned for its “READ HEBREW AMERICA & CANADA” program. Each participant will receive a free copy of NJOP’s ‘Reishith Binah’ Hebrew primer.
Tuesday Nights 8:00pm-9:30pm
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